So, how did VISION 2020 fare?
Decade in review
Pretty abysmal, actually. 2020 was supposed to be perfect; it was at a respectable distance to call it the future, yet close enough to make plans for it. It represented the future, because the number 2020 just sounds rad. It also represented some normalcy, containing the numbers that also make up 20-20 vision. And what comes next? 2025? That's a round enough number. So... Let's make plans for that? It also aligns perfectly for a 5 year plan, and answers 'where do you see yourself in 5 years?' type questions. Before taking such drastic steps, let's look back at how our initiatives have worked out so far. 2020's almost gone now; how have I fared?
10 days of perfection. That's all I could manage. Also, I've realised that the nut problem is a consequence as much as a cause. The main problem is autopilot. I got to get the withdrawal out of my system; otherwise I'm doomed, no doubt about it. I can't yield; it just puts me back at you know what. Gonna do an NND, next month. Let's see if we can finally hold up strong to adversity and be a better person. I got a point to prove.
Virtual distancing
This went hand in hand with nnn. I was rock solid the first 10 days-ish. I all went haywire after that. It has been abysmal in the recent days. I got to turn off twitter, comments sections, news of every kind, and focus of myself for a whole month. I know I can do this.
Solid-ish. Again, I have these stretches of solid work, then I get lazy for a few days. I got to have work as the foremost priority. I got to hand off stuff faster, at the same time I got to innovate and plan rad things for the product we're working on.
Artificial Intelligence
I'm impressed with what I could do. Last week, I was gonna fold and not do the first assignment of the specialization cos I'm scared of coding. But I took the leap and I'm very happy with myself for finishing it. I got to push because I'm sure this is just the start, and I'll do much much greater things in AI.
Side Projects
This didn't take too much of a hit cos of autopilot, because I worked on passive stuff like design polish when on autopilot. But I've got to streamline the pipeline processes, got to execute and be professional. It's good that I'm exercising front end, design as well as managerial, architectural skills at the same time.
Self Improvement
Diet has been deplorable. I got to have more workout sessions, eat properly for a month (no junk month?), play basketball, write more, polish my English and Spanish.
The Midnight walks
One spectacularly good thing has been that the amount and duration of midnight walks have been directly proportional to exponential development. This is my workshop, this is my place of worship, reflection and meditation. The basketball court is the sanctuary. The walks weed out all extraneous thoughts and transport me to a different place. I'm at my best, I think, I plan. I got to make this a fundamental routine.
Hoping that I have exciting stories for the next decade.