Twelve songs
I want to write a song for you, My heart aches when you're not around I die a little, and I'm distressed. Being in solitude is a thing of the past And now I want you, like you want me.
I want to write a song for you, Your voice is vivacious like a child's Hey magic, nice to meet you Your happy thoughts imbue me with soul.
I want to write a song for you, Your texts are cold like me. You're opaque, let me in your head. Catching bugs and blisters Baby, we can make it all right.
I want to write a song for you, I share my trips, and you delineate your deviations. Let's meet where we can linger and waves our minds around. I feel a smile, and a spark.
I want to write a song for you, I've never been so excited to see anyone else. Why are you so cute! Your stride is full of life, and so weightless. Are you trying to catch unicorns? Aren't you an angel?
I want to write a song for you, I walk a million miles, but I never reach you. I hear our voice, and you're right here. My heart skips beats; it's all melodies. I'm still shy and I fumble To say you're mine.
I want to write a song for you, You pour your heart out to me And I can't stop smiling. Sleep is our catalyst; I'm your chemical. You have no inhibitions When you say you want me, and I build castles in my imagination. I hate you, and I love you, for you make me wait in pain.
I want to write a song for you, I see you after ages, and you're splashing stardust I'm dazed and bedazzled, as I move closer. Your laugh is infectious; I dilute time to drink more of you. Do I deserve you?
I want to write a song for you, We're so close, yet so far. Midday walks aren't meandering anymore. How do I not show my excitement? We drive to the edge of lands, hand in hand. Adventures, adrenaline and amazing views await us in every corner. The miles only move us closer, in person and in ponderings.
I want to write a song for you, As we're wandering aimless on a higher plance. I put my think machine into words And I feel your patterns permeating through my cells.
I want to write a song for you, We dance and drink to health. I will sell my soul for your smiles. Why do I float and fly When you're happy and high?
I want to write a song for you, As I hug you tight and become a baby Lost in the bed of boundless bliss My tears saturate, and all misgivings fade away. I'm safe and sound in your lullaby.